If you’ve just started poking around to see what it’s like to run an Amazon business, there’s a high chance you’re bombarded with hype. We’ve seen a lot of content on the interwebs - from YouTube videos to blogs - hyping up their Amazon businesses. There’s a ton of information out there highlighting their sales and how they can work from home, and while you’re interested in starting an Amazon business, you’re not sure where and how to start, or...
Nathan Bindschatel is the owner and founder of My Prep Center. Since 2005, My Prep Center has been helping Amazon businesses scale the processing of their inventory. Nathan and his team are committed to building strong relationships with their clients to help them focus on making the best products for their Amazon customers. As a former Amazon seller himself, Nathan understands that the struggle of packaging is certainly real.
Nathan joins us today to discuss using prep centers to scale your...
When it comes to researching a new online business opportunity there is no shortage of information out there. The hard part is sorting through it all and deciding if this opportunity is even right for you.
It’s time to clear up the confusion about selling on Amazon. You want to fully understand what this business can do for you and the commitment it requires before you decide to steer your focus in this direction.
Who can sell on Amazon?
Selling on Amazon is open to anyone....
Congratulations! If you have made it this far in the Roadmap to your First Amazon Sale series you are ready to send in your first shipment.
You’ve made many stops along the way. You learned about the different selling opportunities on Amazon and set up a legitimate business. You’ve opened up your Amazon account and have gathered a few products to send in your first shipment.
Now it is time to get serious.
It is time for you to prep, label and ship your items into...
This seems to be the million dollar question…
What products should I sell online and where do I find them?
Great news! There are millions of products to sell on Amazon and even more places to find them. Figuring out what Amazon business model is right for you will determine what types of products to sell and where to get them. Which model should you choose? This is a more important question than the previous one. We will address this question in a minute but first, let’s get to...
If you have been following this series you are now ready to open up your Amazon selling account and get your business off the ground. Before we walk you through the process, make sure you have the following at your disposal
Setting up Your Amazon Account: What you will need:
There are a lot of discussions and ads on social media right now about working from home. Every time we’re scrolling through Facebook or Instagram we see ads and posts about new opportunities. We all tend to have the same question that crosses our mind when we see them:
“This sounds awesome but is it legit?”
With new technology arising every day, starting an online business from home is easier than ever.
Or is it?
There is one thing we need to clarify before we go...
Have you ever been to a store where nothing has a price tag?
You are browsing through different aisles and you see something you like. Grabbing up this great find you look for the price tag and NOTHING.
It's nowhere to be found.
You examine the shelf and still...no price is listed. UGH.
Now, if you want to buy this item you need to find a sales associate, or take the item up to a register and get a price. By this time you probably annoyed. “What happens if I get all the way...
Despite having that deep desire to grow, we struggle and fail to take the necessary steps to do so. Whether it’s trying to widen our skillset, learn something new, or grow our Amazon businesses, there’s that force that keeps us from moving forward. We procrastinate, get distracted, and delay making decisions for what we want to achieve.
What keeps us lazy? Why do we sit on the couch binging on Netflix instead of working towards goals we’ve set for ourselves?
In this episode,...
If you ever find yourself overthinking, chasing every shiny object or on the spinning hamster wheel of analysis paralysis, this is THE EPISODE you won’t want to miss. We are going to discuss what you really need and don’t need when running an Amazon FBA business.
Focus and confidence are two things every entrepreneur needs to successfully manage an online business. But with the variety of products and services marketers aggressively pressure business owners into buying, Amazon...
50% Complete
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