Let’s just admit it! We are scared. Scared to launch new bundles, scared to get it wrong, scared to lose money. Worry and fear come disguised as overthinking. We are going to talk about practical ways to help you make better decisions in business based on data, facts, and risk rather than fear, worry, or failure.
We tend to overthink every little thing. Maybe we need an Overthinker's Checklist.
Today’s episode is all about overthinking and moving past our analysis paralysis...
When I decided to take the terrifying leap to start my Amazon FBA business - it was the idea of freedom, financial security and control, and MOST importantly, family and friends that kept me going…
I wanted to be debt-free and buy my dream home,
Spend more quality time with my friends and family,
Take family trips and cross items off my bucket list,
Make a steady income of 10k plus months,
And the greatest part I wanted to be able to do it all on my own terms.
But like any scary yet...
50% Complete
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