AF279 - What You Value Most is Reflected in These Two Things



There are two data points we can look at to determine what we value most. Come find out what they are and how you can change the way you do business based on them.

Happy New Year! It is a new year. Are you excited? I am super excited because, in just a few days, I am flying to see some of my clients for the workshop in Dallas. I am so excited that we are having another trade show workshop experience in February in Las Vegas. So make sure you go to and check that out. 

Welcome to 2023. It is time to leave the past behind and see what is to dream, to look ahead, and plan your goals and hopes. I am glad that 2022 is over. It has been full of all kinds of challenges physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in business. 

I did have a hard time in 2022 but I do not want you to be discouraged by that. I am also human. I am not flawless. I am not perfect. Neither is the Amazon that we serve, right? When we are working with Amazon specifically, we know we are at their mercy, and of a lot of things that we cannot control, which can cause problems and issues.

Hope is a stronger emotion than fear. The reality of having a bad year means that you can only go up from here, right? Despite the challenges, there are solutions to our issues. There are solutions to our problems. New goals. New opportunities. I am opening my eyes to all of the different things that God has planned for me and what I have got planned for myself.

You never know who you are going to meet, who you are going to inspire, and the impact that you are having on someone else's life. Be excited about what is coming and not worry about what already had passed.

My niece, who is 18 and has gotten into reading recently, shared the story with me. One of the first books that she ever read was called Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Mitch Albom is a fantastic author and writes inspirational books. My niece is a book lover. She accidentally found Mitch Albom’s book release and signing in a mall and got interested in it because she read all of his books except this new one. Sure enough, she got the book, went over and got it signed, and shared the story with him. Mitch Albom has been around for over 20 years so before my niece was born he was already writing books and continued on his journey and on his path of what he wanted to do to impact the world.

Though you might have a rough year and your business dropped by 20%, we have not given up, we are showing them that even though there are challenges, hard years, heartbreaks, disappointments, and all the different things that can set us back, our not quitting is moving the next generation forward.

So that is a question I have for you in 2023, what is the single most important thing that is going to give you the most fulfillment, the most joy, and that feeling of success that you are after? What is the most important thing that you can do to bring more fulfillment into your life? 

Something to contemplate and think about as we head into the new year. We can set goals and do all that. As a matter of fact, I might be planning a session that is helpful for goal setting to really get very intentional.

I am so glad that it is a new year. I can literally feel like I can wipe the slate clean and start all over. And if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got. So you have to do something different. My challenge to you this year is to do meaningful work. What is important to you? What do you value? And this is your own personal decision. And whatever you value is what you value. And that is fine. There is no right or wrong answer to that. But discover it for yourself. What do you value most in life? And how much time and energy are you putting into what you value most? 

There are two ways to examine what someone cares about the most. You need to look at your bank account and your calendar. What you spend your money on and what you spend your time doing. 

Do those things line up with your true self and what you truly believe is the most valuable thing? Are you spending your money on things that you value most? Your measuring stick is what you value most and what does that do for you? What is the main benefit of going after what you value? 

Learn to say no to things, opportunities, and people without explanation. Do not do things out of guilt or out of obligation or meaningless obligation. It relates back to my book Dream Big Step Small in case you guys do not have it. It is a great read for the new year. You can get it on Amazon, you can order a signed copy from me. I will send you one personally and with a note and probably some goodies because I cannot help it. 

Peace, fulfillment, joy, success, and satisfaction. When you stay in a place where you know, these are the things you want to be doing and the things that I'm doing, the tasks that I'm doing are directly impacting what I value most. If you can say that, then you are absolutely on the right track. And if you need help figuring all this stuff out, I am here to be your coach - a passionate, dedicated individual who unlocks hidden potential and maximizes a team, a team's performance by believing, encouraging, and developing. That is what I do. Always trust the facts, not the feelings.

Take a real intake. This takes time. It takes time to sit down and give yourself the space and the energy to figure out what you really want and what are you doing right now to support what you really want because we want more than just more money.

When you finally discover your aha moment of what you really value then a lot of stuff begins to fall away because you realized you have to give up something for something else that is more important to you. Many of us are wasting our time and energy on things that actually do not impact us or matter. It is time to evaluate and figure it out.

I can help you by booking a call at When something painful happened in your life, it changes the way you look at the time,  it changes the way you look at money and all the things that you do on a day-to-day basis.  



“Dare I say, it's been one of the worst years that I've had. It's hard to admit that to you. It really is. I'm just being honest. It's hard to say that out loud. I know that I am a source of inspiration and motivation for a lot of people. And so for me to sit here and say to you that I had a really, really rough year it's hard because I don't want you to be discouraged.” - Kristin Ostrander





Share your AHA moments with me on my free private Facebook group  - the Amazon Files (use the code word VALUE) and tag me so I can celebrate with you! 

Have questions? Email me directly at [email protected] with all your questions, concerns, or doubts. I would love to answer them all for you.

Keep on bundling…


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