Dream Big, Step Small [Learn to Reduce Overwhelm While Building the Business of Your Dreams ]

success stories tools Jun 10, 2019

The year was 2011 when devastation hit.... A series of events led to my family  of 5 losing our forever home to foreclosure. Everything we had built over the years was gone, our dreams were crushed and we had to start over. My online Amazon business was struggling and it was time to turn things around.

Hitting rock bottom was one of the biggest blessings in my life. Not only did it make me stronger and more resilient, but it also made me ask better questions. It forced me to find solutions.

"The good news is that when action is taken, no matter how small, despair gives way to hope." - Kirstin Ostrander

Fast forward 8 years and here we are today:

My Amazon business has doubled in size year after year which has allowed us to find our true forever home and I am now able to support my family while working from home!

I have taken everything I have learned over the years and continue to pursue my dreams. My life purpose is to help people through solving problems. If you are a business owner or desire to become one, this book will help you learn new skills to conquer the common setbacks that prevent you from building a business of your dreams. It will give you hope, confidence and practical business steps to take towards the life and business you dream of without all the overwhelm.
"Opportunity favors the prepared." - Kristin Ostrander

This book is full of simple strategies and methods I have used over the years to accomplish what at first seemed like insurmountable goals. An example of an action plan outlined in Chapter 10 describes the following method that will be very useful in your pursuit of future endeavors.  


The P.L.A.N. blueprint stands for:
P - Prepare
L - Learn
A - Apply
N - Next step 

This acronym will help you break down the overwhelm of making unexpected changes. It will teach you how to prepare your mind for change and take action when it's hard. 

Dream Big, Step Small is a map for you to follow. If you have the courage to take ONE small step it will help you achieve life changing goals.

Get your copy on Amazon here:
Kindle: https://amzn.to/2K76Inv
Paperback: https://amzn.to/2EZbLC6

Your dream is waiting! Dream Big, Step Small will help you see your dream, and then make it happen. It will show you that change is possible for you too.

 What is holding you back from taking action today? Here is Step 1


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