AF210 - Amazon FBA Business is Easier When You Have THESE

As exciting as I know the life of an Amazon seller can be, I’m also fully aware that it can, at times, be isolating as well. Family members may not understand the ups and downs involved in the work we do, and their eyes just might begin to glaze over when you try to explain it all. However, there are people out there who will enthusiastically listen, understand, and support you in the work that you’re doing, and that’s what I want to talk to you all about today.

I’ll begin by highlighting the importance of having someone or some group to talk to about your business, the incredible opportunity that the Bundle Workshop provides for this, my absolute favorite part of them, and some major takeaways from our most recent one. We’ll also review our overarching goal as Amazon sellers, the value of an abundance mentality and being a giver as much as a receiver, and I’ll share the stories of some of my new friends from the most recent workshop. Perhaps most importantly, I’ll finish by sharing 3 ways you can really connect with other like minded sellers. No one was meant to have to do this highly rewarding work on their own, so please don’t suffer alone or in silence. Listen in today, and discover the many effective ways that we can all support each other to achieve the success that we all deserve.

Of course, one of those ways is to join our Facebook group with the code word #friends where you can learn more about getting started with wholesale, ask questions, and participate in the conversation with other sellers. And if you’re ready to take your business to a whole new level, visit to schedule your one-on-one coaching call today.

This week on the Amazon Files:  

  • Having someone or some group to talk to about your Amazon business
  • The Confident Wholesale Bundlers Workshop
  • Our overarching common goal
  • Kristin’s favorite part of the workshops
  • Major takeaways from the recent workshop
  • Having an abundance mentality
  • Being a giver as much as a receiver
  • The stories of some of Kristin’s new friends from the workshop
  • Connecting with like minded sellers
  • The Mommy Income Facebook Group
  • Meetup groups
  • The Amazon Files Hub

 “I love to meet you in person and learn about your life and your business and your goals, and this is why I do what I do. I love people and I love when they have breakthroughs and see their own vision for themselves.”

- Kristin Ostrander




“People give up because they don't have these - they don't have friends, support systems or real people to turn to so they can be heard and understood and supported.”

“They understand the ups and downs of Amazon and the excitement when you talk about retail arbitrage or when you really nail your first bundle.”

“The show must go on. We must continue to move forward, no matter what's happening, and connecting in person is so much more important now than ever.”                  

“But when you connect with other people who are doing the same things that you're doing - selling on Amazon, trying to build bundles, trying to build a business, trying to break free from whatever has been holding them back - it's such a refreshing relief to talk to other people who just understand.”   

“We have this big overarching goal of increasing our freedom to earn income from any location -  from a place where we can serve the globe with our products and services - without having to leave our location for whatever reason.”

“What we have proved in the workshop is that the processes work, the framework and research process works.” 

“Remember that it's all a process - your growth, your research, your development of new products and bundles is all a process.” 

“We can do anything when we have each other to be supportive and to uplift and to encourage, and to provide good healthy feedback, which doesn't always mean sunshine and rainbows, friends. Sometimes it means the good hard truth and feedback that we give to one another.”

“We all need a support system in our lives.”

“I have seen people form, like, lifelong friendships from going to Meetup groups. I have seen new businesses come to play because of Meetup groups.” 

“We were not meant to do any of this alone.”

“It's really a great place to not only get the support you need from community members, but also get the specific training that you need to continue growing.” 

“We thrive in an environment where people understand us, where we feel seen, where we feel heard, where we feel understood, and where we feel supported.”

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Grow Your Amazon Business!

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of The Amazon Files, the show to help Amazon sellers along their business journey one step at a time with Amazon expert and your host, Kristin Ostrander. If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, subscribe to the show and leave us your honest review. Don’t forget to share your favorite episodes with your friends on social media! Use the codeword #friends to join us on Facebook. Each week, Kristin hosts a live discussion on how to grow your Amazon business. Don’t forget to check out our website and subscribe to our mailing list for even more resources.

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