AF283 - Which One Will You Feed?

Did you know that time is a limited resource? Time is so limited for most of us. Most of the time you hear people say, “I don't have time”, “I’m too busy”, “I've got this going on”, or “I got so much on my plate.”

I want to help as many people as I can, but I cannot do it all. I have decided to spend my time nurturing my wholesale bundle students. I want to be able to help people fully. After eight years, we are closing our free Facebook group on January 31st, 2023.  



Number one, I want to make sure people are not being helped in a false way. 

There has been a lot of answers to questions that people have kind of been misled as far as people that are unqualified, giving answers to like GTIN exemption issues, brand registry and IP claims, and kind of giving black hat information. I do not want anyone to be led astray by this false information. I do not want from happening that someone else is telling someone in our group to do things the wrong way or against Amazon’s terms of service.

The WSB group is created because of the fact that people are contributing, which is awesome and amazing, and I love pure learning. We want you to have the best and most up-to-date information about wholesale bundling on the marketplace. We have it in wholesale bundles 3.0 in our student-led group. There are three things that you can do to stay connected with us and Mommy Income because the show is going on. The podcast is going on, the YouTube channel is going on, and there is a new wholesale bundle student community. If you are a wholesale bundle student, check your inbox for your personal invitation to our student-only community. 

Number two, you can stay connected by subscribing to all that we have. If you are on YouTube, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you are on the podcast, make sure you are subscribed and that you get all of the notifications when the new podcast comes out. 

Number three is to subscribe to Subscribe to get our weekly newsletter. We are interested in giving you the information you need to grow your Amazon business and not spamming you. We are super focused here at, growing on Amazon, growing your brand, and growing your business on multiple marketplaces. You can also subscribe to to stay connected. If you are not a student, this is your chance to become a student of the wholesale bundle system. It is all brand new for 2023. 

Literally just launched. Everything is all brand new. Every GTIN exemption, brand registry, creating your listing and knowing exactly how to create your listing titles and your bundle brand and all of the different things that you are doing, all of these are all updated for 2023. Brand new wholesale bundle  3.0 training is college level and qualifies you to get community college credit. If you want to be a student, go to This is your last chance to use this coupon code - FACEBOOK.

We are here to support you. Been here supporting you for over eight years. Still going and working. Now, I wanted to share with you something really interesting - the story of the Tale of Two Wolves. Originally attributed to a Cherokee Native American tribe but I do not know the exact origin. This story grabbed my heart and attention differently now compared to when I read it some five years ago.

The story features two characters, a Native American grandfather and his grandson. The grandfather explains to the grandson that every soul is fighting a battle within. Every soul has a fight going on between and in between him. Between two wolves fighting within your soul. Every soul has a fight going on between two wolves. Fighting within the fight takes place within us.

Both of the wolves have great power. One wolf is evil, angry, envious, sorrowful, regretful, greedy, arrogant, falsehood, self-pity, guilty, resentful, inferior, lies, false, prideful, superior, and ego.

The other wolf displays something completely different. This wolf is equally powerful, but with joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humanity, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, faith, ambition, and excitement. 

Both wolves within are fighting to the death. The same fight is going on inside each and every one of us.

The grandson took a moment to reflect. And at last, he looked up to his grandfather and said, “Well, which wolf is going to win?”. The grandfather gave him a simple reply, “My son, the one that wins is the one you feed.”

The power comes from what you feed. Think about it for a second. How do you feel when you are starving, or when you feel sluggish and tired and crabby and low energy? You just want to fall on the couch and hope food falls in your face. How do you feel when you are fully satisfied when you have had that great meal? When you have fed something, you feel alive, you feel regenerated, you feel satisfied, and you feel motivated and energized to keep moving.

When you are not nourishing something or anything, your business, yourself, your relationships, your plants, your animals, or your fur babies, they will not survive. 

When was the last time you fed the good wolf? How often are you feeding the wolf that is inside fighting for you, not against you, fighting to the death to win? What are you feeding those things? What are you feeding it? Are you giving time and space for those things? Cause they are choices. I do not always make the perfect ones. I make a lot of bad ones. I pray a lot because I know what I want to do and I do not what I feel like doing. But then I also know what is right. I also know which wolf I want to feed. When I say feed, I do not just mean feed, I mean nourish.

We can feed these in such subtle ways. We can feed them through social media. An example is comparison. We have people holding up measuring sticks and telling us where we belong on that stick that they created. Comparison is the thief of joy. We have got a lot of those conflicting feelings. But what do we know about our feelings? What do we know about these things? I will tell you, trusting the facts and not the feeling is really the first start. There is a whole chapter on this in Dream Big, Step Small. My book, if you do not have it, go get it through Audible, Amazon, ebook, or a signed copy from the website. However, you need to get Dream Big, Step Small, and read. Trust the facts, not the feelings.

This is my tough love. This is the one I tell you that is the hug and a slug. I am going to slug you and then hug you and tell you it is going to be okay. I am going to be truthful with you. If you want to grow and change, you have to do things differently. Do you know that what you put in is what comes out? What you put in your brain, what you put in your ears, what you put in your eyes, what you put in your mouth. What goes in, comes out. Think about the TV shows that you are watching or the books that you are reading or the people you are listening to. 

Let us talk about your business. There are two wolves there too. What are you feeding? Frustration, low sales, low margins, price tanking, GTIN exemption issues, branding issues, and IP claims. Are you feeding those or are you feeding brand registry, product development, framework, research, step by step processes? Wherever you put your time, money, and energy, that is what grows.

Increase that by creating bundles. Your single private-label product is kind of floundering and not really making enough sales. Create a bundle. Your bundle sales are lacking. Look at the customer reviews of others. See what they are doing. See what the customers are asking for and do more research instead of complaining. Drive that energy to something that is going to nourish your business and provide growth. My business has never grown an inch or a dollar from me complaining about it. Goes back to the saying, “You cannot deposit excuses.” You cannot deposit complaints, but you can deposit excellent product research and process-driven research. You can deposit changing listings, update descriptions, add plus content, and revamp your images. 

You have been hearing the ad on our channel the last few weeks, If you need some updated photos, spend 50 bucks, get some new photos, and get some lifestyle images. You have no idea what helps until you do it until you nourish it.


This serves as a powerful reminder to us that every human we come in contact with is fighting the same battle. Regardless of the type of person you are or the circumstances that you are in, of what kind of life that you lead, you will find yourself battling and conflicting emotions on a regular basis. And whether the fight is between anger and peace, and resentment and compassion, it is important to realize that you feed the values and choices that matter most to you. So here is the million dollar question. Which wolf are you feeding? Which one are you feeding? - Kristin Ostrander



 Keep on bundling…


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