Why is Everyone Quitting Amazon FBA?

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2017

Air Date: April 17, 2017
Show Notes

Many players big and small are turning away from Amazon FBA as a sustainable business model. In this episode, we discuss why we think people are moving away from Amazon FBA and how you can benefit from their mistake.

Show Links:

Market Pulse Article: http://www.mommyincome.com/amazonquitreference

Amazon Categories:https://services.amazon.com/services/soa-approval-category.htm

To learn when the wholesale/bundles classes go live: http://www.mommyincome.com/wait

Amazon FBA Beginners: How to Make $$$ at the Dollar Store?: https://youtu.be/j7LFpy0rsLM

Mommy Income Show Archives: www.mommyincome.com/MIYoutube

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