Key to Product Research for Amazon FBA

Product research can be a stumbling block for some Amazon sellers - especially for those who are just getting started. You might feel like you can’t find profitable products to sell or you may not know where to start when looking for product ideas and a niche. These stumbling block may have you ready to call it quits before you even begin. If you can’t get your head around the numbers or choose the right research tools, then this can also have you stuck before you even begin.

 In this episode we share the keys to product research for Amazon FBA, retail arbitrage, wholesale, and bundles. We reveal how we research the products we sell and how you can do it differently to find success. We share why your own experiences and knowledge are vital in finding your niche when looking for product ideas. We also highlight how to do keyword research with Merchant Words and reveal the numbers we look for in supply, demand, and margins. 

“Stop reinventing the wheel. The wheel is already there, so sell the wheel in ten different colors. Don’t try to make a new wheel.” - Kristin Ostrander

This week on the Amazon Files:

  • Why you shouldn’t start out selling best selling items.
  • The advantages of being first to list products on Amazon.
  • Cashing in on your own knowledge bank, experiences, and location.
  • How to find the product category and niche for you.
  • How to choose and brainstorm product ideas effectively.
  • Why harder to find products are opportunities for you.
  • Making keyword lists with Merchant Words and other platforms, such as eBay.
  • Researching frequently bought together (FBT) items.
  • Setting your sourcing guidelines, return on investment (ROI), and parameters.
  • How to find the sweet spot in supply, demand, and search volumes. 


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Keys to Product Research:

- Don’t target best sellers
- Start with your own knowledge bank How to brainstorm:
- Set a timer and write down all the products you buy regularly
- Write down all the hobbies you have, sports you play, work you do and associated products you buy to go along with them.
-Write down the last ten things you bought
-Hard to find items -Items uncomfortable to buy in stores

What to do with the ideas you’ve gathered
-Search them on Amazon -Do a search on Merchant Words
-Look at other platforms
-Look for bundles FBT items Sourcing guidelines
-Parameters of how you choose products
-You need them so you do not compromise your bottom line or your business model Sale Rank
-Number of competing offers
-History/Duration of listing
-Level of competition
-ROI or Margin guidelines

What numbers to look for:
-Supply vs demand
-For the bundle or item you'd like to sell how many searches per month are you seeing
-How many products are out there for those search terms?
-How many other products meet the exact need?
Merchant words target numbers: between 3000-6000 is a great niche number  

Smash Your Amazon Competition, Double Your Income!

Are you tired of going from store to store to look for inventory just to see other sellers offer it a few months later? Do you want to smash your competition and double your Amazon sales this year? Double your sales without the unnecessary cashout! We’re going to share with you the strategies we used to reach the six-figure business we’re currently running through wholesale bundles. If you’re serious about growing your business, go to

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