Quitting Your Day Job to Sell on Amazon - Two Success Stories [Entrepreneur on a Dime]

Uncategorized May 22, 2017

In this episode of Entrepreneur on a Dime: The Amazon Files, we introduced you to two sellers who have successfully made the transition to full-time Amazon sellers. 

Success Story - Adrienne Dupree

Adrienne Dupree is an author, mentor, information product creator, online marketer, and e-commerce business owner. She comes from a technical background and was involved in Information Technology for more than twenty years. In November 2014, Adrienne started selling on Amazon part-time using the FBA program. She was forced to turn it into a full-time endeavor when she was laid off unexpectedly in 2015.

Adrienne's Website: www.leavethecorporateworldbehind.com/

Leave The Corporate World Behind Book (affiliate)


Success Story - Kim Coghlan
Kim and her husband Perry have been married 25 years and have 13 children. They have dabbled in online and offline businesses since 2000. At the encouragement of a friend, Kim began actively selling used books on Amazon FBA in late 2014, and soon shifted into groceries, then clothes and shoes.

Kim and Perry worked together with the help of their children to build the business, and they went full time when Perry quit his traveling job in June 2015. 


FBA Secrets from a Seven Figure Seller: http://amzn.to/2qP5inc

Kim & Perry's Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/perryandkim/


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