Amazon Bundling Success Series Part 1 - Top 3 reasons why your bundles aren’t selling and how to fix them

Have you been bundling on Amazon yet are having trouble making sales? Feel like your bundle is a flop? We will help you troubleshoot the common problems and lead you in the right direction for Amazon bundle success.

Wholesale bundlers, from beginners to pros, may find that they have put together a dud bundle that won’t sell. A dud bundle may leave you wondering where you went wrong and how you can fix the problem. Often you are left questioning whether your bundle is a dud or if it just needs tweaking.

In this episode, we discuss the top 3 reasons why your bundle isn’t selling and share what you can do about it. We take a look at how you can complete a wholesale bundle review, the next steps, and solutions that will help you fix common mistakes. We also reveal the common errors that we see over and over again and share insight on how you can troubleshoot the problem.

"You have to be competitive, and competitive means selling stuff that not every person in the world is selling. Think outside your top 1,000 and think outside out the box." -Kristin Ostrander

This week on the Amazon Files:

●The benefits of attending conferences, workshops, and meetups.
●How to assess the competition level and decide if the keyword saturation level will work for you.
●Adjusting the value, repurposing or changing the variety of the bundles in your niche.
●Why it is essential to do your research and use it to assess a dud bundle.
●The pieces of research that will help you build a bundle that will sell.
●How profit links to Average Selling Price.
●What you need to know about the size and packaging of your bundles.
●The different ways to track your research.
●How to question if a wholesale bundle has complimentary items.
●How to fix bundles that don’t have complimentary items.

Mommy Income Question of the Week:
●How do you track your research and avoid going down the rabbit hole?



Special Offer:

2019 Confident Wholesale Bundlers Workshop 

Resources Mentioned:

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Got Questions?
Shoot your questions on our Facebook Group! We’ll be happy to answer your questions, listen to your vents, and encourage you to carry on in the right direction. Join our community where you can interact with sellers of all levels -- from people who are starting their Amazon journey to those who have been full-time sellers for years. Go to with the code word #nosales to start interacting with our community.

Don’t forget to check out our website for even more resources.

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