AF253 - What to Sell on Amazon for the Holidays: Get It Wholesale

Happy July 4, everybody! Everything is red, white, and blue right now, but soon it’s gonna be orange and black for Halloween, so this week’s episode is all about preparing for Q4 and its set holidays and avoiding some of the common mistakes in the prepping process. First up, I discuss the importance of advanced inventory management and planning, including capitalizing on Prime Day to generate extra income you can spend stocking up for the Q4 holidays. I also advise taking advantage of wholesale terms and dating—not the Tinder kind of dating, but ways of postponing payment for inventory to buy you time and get all kinds of rewards and benefits. And, as always, make sure you have plenty of stock so you can replenish if and when necessary.

My next bit of advice is to pay attention to listing creation and shipment timing. You want to hit the sweet spot with your listings so that you can grab the algorithm and have it index and rank you for your keywords, so create new bundles early and ship new shipments ASAP. And since FBA warehouses are overwhelmed in July and August, go for smaller shipments and use case packs to help faster processing. And the last thing I recommend you guys do is to ignore the shiny objects and stop chasing the trends, which aren’t reliable and won’t pay the bills long-term. Instead, sell the boring stuff, the “rusty trusties,” the white Christmas lights and repair kits for inflatable decorations. And stay in your lane—Q4 isn’t the time to jump into new niches, it’s when you go and rake in the dough!

Come chat about wholesale, holidays, and more in the Amazon Files and Mommy Income community. Join our Facebook group with today’s codeword HOLIDAYS to learn more about bundling, ask questions, and participate in the conversation with other sellers. And if you’re ready to take your business to a whole new level, visit to schedule your one-on-one coaching call today.

This week on the Amazon Files:

  • Advanced inventory management and planning
  • Wholesale terms and dating
  • Listing creation and shipment timing
  • Shipping case packs
  • Selling boring stuff

You don’t have to jump into trends. You don’t have to jump into zones that you’re not comfortable with. Stay in your lane for a while because you’re better in your lane.”

- Kristin Ostrander




You cannot sell what you don’t have. And in order to make enough money, and in order to have enough inventory for Q4, you need to have money to purchase that.”

If you’re launching a Christmas thing in May, you might be hard-pressed to get traffic, and then you’re losing indexing and ranking. So you want to be close to the holidays but not so close that you can’t grab the algorithm and have it index and rank you for those keywords. So getting your listings done and in and on early is really important.”

Stop chasing the hot trends. Stop. There’s hot trends every single Christmas season, and there’s always that one thing that people are waiting around in line for. Like, years ago, it was the Speak Out game, then it was fidget spinners, the TikTok leggings… Trends, they come and they go so quickly. So many people get stuck on these. There’s plenty of profit in other things. Don’t chase the trends.”

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Grow Your Amazon Business!

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of The Amazon Files, the show to help Amazon sellers along their business journey one step at a time with Amazon expert and your host, Kristin Ostrander. If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, subscribe to the show, and leave us your honest review. Don’t forget to share your favorite episodes with your friends on social media! Use the codeword HOLIDAYS to join us on Facebook. Each week, Kristin hosts a live discussion on how to grow your Amazon business. Don’t forget to check out our website and subscribe to our mailing list for even more resources.

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